Cinnamon Is Good For Your Health

Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

Do you know about the healing power of cinnamon? Are you aware how cinnamon when consumed in your daily diet can benefit your health? I am quite sure that you may not be familiar with the healing and healthful benefits that cinnamon can have. The Naturevibe Botanicals Ceylon cinnamon powder is the best cinnamon you can buy as it contains very little of an ingredient called coumarin. Coumarin, a flavoring substance which is contained in relatively high concentrations in cinnamon varieties collectively known as “Cassia cinnamon“, which can be dangerous especially in sensitive persons that can cause liver damage, although the effect is usually reversible.

Some benefits of cinnamon; it can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease risk factors and has a plethora of other impressive health benefits.

Table of Topics

You can read a topic of interest by clicking on any of the links below or you can scroll down to view them all.

Difference Between Cassia and Ceylon Cinnamon
Background of Cinnamon
Video – Cinnamon Health Benefits
Cinnamon Found In Stores
Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Cinnamon
Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Problems with Cinnamon
Normal Dosage
Honey & Cinnamon Remedies
Cinnamon and Honey Recipe
Frequently Asked Questions
Customer Reviews
Shop Ceylon Cinnamon & Sticks

Difference Between Cassia and Ceylon Cinnamon

Both the cassia and ceylon cinnamon are healthy for individuals to use. But one of these varieties contains a toxin that can be harmful if too much of it is eaten. Below you will find valuable information about the differences between these two types of cinnamon and which one is best for you.

Cassia Cinnamon

Cassia cinnamon comes from the Cinnamomum tree and is grown in Eastern and Southern Asia. This type of cinnamon originated in Southern China and tends to be dark brown-red color that has thicker sticks and a rougher texture than ceylon cinnamon. It is the cheapest type and is a lower quality of cinnamon. This is the most common type of cinnamon that is found in supermarkets today. It also has the strongest flavor of cinnamon than the ceylon cinnamon variety. It is the most common variety of cinnamon and 95% of its oil is cinnamaldehyde which gives it it’s strong flavor. Cassia contains 1% of a toxin known as coumarin which can be harmful in humans causing liver and kidney damage. Taking 1-2 teaspoons a day can cause issues in sensitive persons. Taking small doses is recommended when using this variety.

Ceylon Cinnamon

The ceylon cinnamon variety or known as “true cinnamon” is native to Sri Lanka and Southern parts of India. It is made from the inner bark of the cinnamomun verum tree. Ceylon variety is tan brown in color and contains tight sticks with soft layers that provides a higher quality and texture. This type is less common and is prized as a cooking spice. When compared with Cassia it’s more expensive. It has a delicate and mildly sweet flavor which is prized for making deserts. This variety contains 50-63% of its essential oil is cinnamaldehyde which is lower than the cassia type. Ceylon cinnamon contains 0.004% of coumarin which is 250 times less than Cassia cinnamon.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is if you intend to consume lots of this spice or take as a supplement, cassia cinnamon should not be used because the amount of coumarin it contains. Use ceylon cinnamon. Otherwise, using either cinnamon variety provides healthful properties that are beneficial when the cassia variety is used in small amounts of less than 1-2 teaspoons per day.

The final thought here is ceylon cinnamon has a better quality, is safer, and best to use over Cassia cinnamon.

Background of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a very old spice that dates back 4,000 years ago to Ancient Egypt. This spice was very rare and only the rich could afford it. Cinnamon has been harvested from the inner bark of trees called Cinnamomum trees for thousands of years. The Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder is a more pure cinnamon variety verses the brands of cinnamon found in supermarket stores today and it’s affordable.

Cinnamon was also mentioned in the Bible numerous times and was noted for its ability to fight illnesses. People have learned more about the health benefits of cinnamon as time has gone on, with research now backing up the medicinal claims of cinnamon that ancient populations have known about for centuries.

The health benefits of cinnamon can also be obtained in cinnamon extract form, when its special compounds are isolated and concentrated into high doses that have powerful effects on health.

Another use for cinnamon is in cinnamon essential oil, which contains high levels of cinnamon’s special compounds and has numerous uses.

Cinnamon Health Benefits – Video

Cinnamon Found In Stores

The cinnamon found in most stores is Cassia cinnamon and contains a higher amount of coumarin, a vanilla-scented compound, is found in many plants, formerly used for flavoring food. It is also found to cause liver and kidney damage in humans if taken in high doses.

Cinnamon comes from the bark of trees and is sold as sticks or powder in the country of origin. Ceylon cinnamon grows in Sri Lanka, Madagascar and the Seychelles, while Cassia cinnamon comes from Indonesia and China. It’s the Cassia cinnamon that can cause liver problems in sensitive people.

Today, cinnamon as we know it is made by cutting the stems of the cinnamomum tree and removing the inner bark, which curls up into cinnamon sticks. These sticks are then ground to make powdery cinnamon spice which is sold and used across the world.

Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Cinnamon

This cinnamon is produced in Shri Lanka. It is USDA organic and is NON-GMO verified.

Product Features:

1). Ceylon cinnamon has between 2-5 ppm of coumarin compared to Cassia (2000-5000 ppm).
2). Salt free, Gluten Free, Vegan, & Kosher
3). No GMO, no chemical pesticide, no chemical fertilizer, and no additives
4). Features a sharp aroma and unique mild sweet taste
6). Premium Grade 100% Certified Organic Real Cinnamon Bark
7). Shelf Life is 2 years when stored in a cool dark place.
8). Packaging facility is not certified as gluten free.

Nutrition Information:

One tablespoon of ground cinnamon contains:

15 calories
0 grams of fat, sugar, or protein
3 grams of fiber
4 grams carbohydrates

Product Pricing

The prices of this product is provided so consumers can compare them with other similar products.

Price: $12.99 (8 oz.)
Price: $14.99 (1 lb.)

Note: The price of this product is subject to change without notice and may not be the actual price you pay at the time of purchase.

Manufacture: Naturevibe Botanicals

Health Benefits of Cinnamon


Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon was also mentioned in the Bible numerous times and was noted for its ability to fight illnesses. Now, today more and more people are taking cinnamon and finding out just how good this spice helps with their health.

In order to obtain the best health benefits of cinnamon, it must be produced organically and made from Ceylon and not Cassia.

Here are just some of the health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon:

  • High Source of Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties
  • Protects Heart Health
  • Helps Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol
  • Fights Type 2 Diabetes
  • Helps Defend Against Cognitive Decline & Protects Brain Function
  • May Help Lower Cancer Risk
  • Fights Infections & Viruses
  • Protects Dental Health
  • Can Help Prevent or Cure Candida
  • Skin Health
  • Allergies
  • Sweeten Recipes Without Added Sugar
  • Natural Food Preservative

When taken in the proper dosages, Ceylon cinnamon can be useful in the illnesses mentioned above.


Warning Coumarin In Cinnamon Can Be Harmful Message

Problems With Cinnamon

True cinnamon has very little coumarin, unlike Cassia cinnamon. A 2010 German study found that on average, Cassia cinnamon powder had up to 63 times more coumarin compared to Ceylon cinnamon powder, while Cassia cinnamon sticks contained 18 times more coumarin than Ceylon cinnamon sticks.

Normal Dosage

What is the proper dosage for taking cinnamon for its health and healing properties? The standard dosage of cinnamon is between 1 to 1.5 grams a day. ½ teaspoon equals 3 grams and 1 teaspoon is equal to 6 grams. Take this amount for therapy related doses. Otherwise, ¼ teaspoon a day should be sufficient.

If you should have type 2 diabetes, than 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon (1/2 to 1 teaspoon) should be taken daily. If you are on a medication to control your blood sugar levels, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking cinnamon. Taking cinnamon with medications could cause blood sugar levels to drop severely and cause dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, hunger, shaking or excessive sweating.

Honey & Cinnamon Remedies


The Two Main Varieties Of Cinnamon

If you go back thousands of years ago, you would have found Chinese and people of India using these two ingredients for tremendous healing properties. We have provided some of these healing remedies you can use in your own home.

Please Note: Use Ceylon organic cinnamon powder for all remedies.

  • Heart Disease – Apple honey and cinnamon powder on bread instead of butter or jelly and eat it regularly for breakfast. It can help prevent blockages in blood vessels, heart attacks, and hypercholesterolemia.
  • Arthritis – Apple a paste made of these two ingredients on the affected area of the body and message slowly. Drinking tea made with cinnamon and honey can help relieve pain and stiffness in the joints.
  • Hair Loss – Apply a paste of hot olive oil, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder before a bath, leave it on for 15 minutes and wash.
  • Toothache – Apply a paste of honey and cinnamon powder and place it on the aching tooth.
  • Cholesterol – Add honey and cinnamon powder mixed in boiling water or green tea and drink.
  • Colds – Make a glass of lukewarm honey water mixed with a pinch of cinnamon powder to help boost the immune system during the cold season. It also helps in clearing the sinuses.
  • Indigestion – Cinnamon powder sprinkled on a spoonful of honey taken before eating meals relieves acidity and prevents indigestion.
  • Pimples – Mix with honey and cinnamon powder and apply paste on the pimples before going to bed. Wash away the next morning. Do this for two weeks. The pimples should be gone.
  • Bad Breath – Gargle with honey and cinnamon powder mixed in warm water. Your breath should stay fresh throughout the day.
  • Bladder Infections – Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and half a teaspoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink. This helps destroys the bacteria in the urinary system.
  • Raspy or Sore Throat – When throat has a tickle or is raspy, take one tablespoon of honey and sip until gone. Repeat every three hours until throat is without symptoms.
  • Longevity – Tea made with honey and cinnamon powder, when taken regularly, arrests the ravages of old age. Use four teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and three cups of boiling water to make a tea. Drink 1/4 cup, three to four times a day. It keeps the skin fresh and soft and arrests old age. Life spans increase and even a 100 year old will start performing the chores of a 20-year-old.

Cinnamon & Honey Weight Loss Program

Cinnamon and Honey Recipe

This recipe is used for; improving body metabolism, weight reduction or loss, lowering cholesterol, and type II diabetes, pre-diabetic condition, and regulating blood sugar levels.

  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of *cinnamon powder (or ground cinnamon) in a cup of boiling water.
  2. Stir and cover to let cinnamon steep for 20 to 30 minutes. (Shorten the waiting time if you prefer a thinner drink.)
  3. Filter away any big particles and add a teaspoon of honey. (The cinnamon residue can also be consumed, but removing it helps to make a much more palatable cleansing drink. Downing a cup of spicy, chalky suspension with an empty stomach first thing in the morning is not an easy feat for all. But if you don’t mind drinking with the residue at all, reduce the amount of ground cinnamon and use just half a teaspoon of it.)
  4. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach about half hour before eating breakfast.
  5. Repeat for a few weeks to see results.

*The organic cinnamon powder used in the recipe above is Ceylon and not Cassia.


Difference Between Ceylon & Cassia Cinnamon Powder

Frequently Asked Questions

To help you to learn more about this product, there are 28 frequently asked questions you can read. Just click on the link to read any of them.

Customer Reviews

There are over 520 customer reviews for this product and you can read some or all of them by clicking on the link.

Shop Ceylon Cinnamon Powder & Sticks

You can shop for Ceylon cinnamon powder by clicking on the link below. You will be taken to the Amazon ordering page where you can place your order.

Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

Highest Quality Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

Sri Lanka Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks

Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

Simply Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder

Healthworks Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
Natures Answer Percent Cinnamon Essential Oil
Natures Answer Percent Cinnamon Essential Oil
Cinnamon Bark Thrapeutic Grade Essential Oil
Cinnamon Bark Thrapeutic Grade Essential Oil

Recommended Books

Below are four books that deal with the benefits of cinnamon and uses for cinnamon essential oil and honey cures as well.

Cinnamon Health Benefits Disease Prevention

Cinnamon Essential Oil Benefits

Cinnamon & Honey Cures

The Cinnamon Book

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Naturevibe Botanicals Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder


15 Calories Per Serving


High Source of Antioxidants


Helps Lower Bad LDL Cholesterol


Natural Food Preservative


Good For Your Health



  • Low In Calories
  • High Source of Antioxidants
  • Helps Lower Bad LDL Cholestrol
  • Great Tasting In Recipies
  • Gluten Free


  • Does Not Dissolve In Water Easily
  • Price


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